James Suckling Wine Central Takeaway
We now do takeout! Sit back and relax – it’s time to wine down, because all your favorite dishes and premium wines from JSWC are now available to be picked up curbside and taken away for you to enjoy wherever you want. We’re offering 20% off ALL a la carte food items (see menu below), 30% off regular wine and 15% off exceptional bottles (wines from auction, James’ cellar selection and wines rated 100 points). Ordering period is between 5-9pm. Now you can enjoy great wines from the comfort of your home – or wherever you are! Those who order over $500 will also receive a free JamesSuckling.com corkscrew (while stocks last)!
To make your order, simply WhatsApp or call the number below – we’re open for orders from Monday to Saturday, 5pm to 9pm.
Pick up address:
The Staunton, 2/F, 22 Staunton St., Central, Hong Kong
💬(+852) 9241 7520
Pay for your order by PayMe – choose what you want from below, message our staff on WhatsApp or use the QR code on the right, thanks!